Monday, January 14, 2008

Anesthesia Awareness Start

Hi, my name is Holly and I am doing an extensive research paper/presentation on Anesthetic Awareness in my advanced Theory of Knowledge class. I wanted to start a blog to see if I could contact any patients that have experienced anesthesia awareness. Also, anyone who has any information on it or is just interested in it. I became very interested after seeing the movie "Awake" and I wanted to learn more. Some of the basic facts about Anesthetic Awareness are:
It is when you are awake during surgery. But it's not that simple- your muscles are paralyzed so you are unable to alert your doctor. It is very rare occurring approximately 1 in every 1000 surgeries. It ranges from just waking up for a small amount of time and just recalling a bit of a conversation to the very rare and extreme cases where the patient is not only awake and able to hear all conversations, music, tools being used but they can also feel the pain. This is when they fail to receive enough pain blocker and brain tranquilizer.
Thanks for you help!

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